Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy birthday

Guess who's favorite Pug is 2 today!

I'm not a pug, I'm a lion.  About to eat this monkey!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I work so hard to entertain this baby. Being a stay-at-home pug is a full-time job.

So, the two-leggers are always telling me to "get" things like the birds in the yard, but they are just too fast. I've found them dead and brought them to them, but noooooo those won't do.

Then on Tuesday, I managed to catch something. Alive. I carefully killed it so it would still be able to be used as a toy, and placed it with the girl child's other toys.

Mom came in and screamed hysterically. I thought she was that excited for me until she started stomping at me and yelling. Then I find it on the trash can. Nobody knows how many hours that took me.

I am seriously considering moving to someplace that appreciates me.

Monday, October 8, 2012

New hat

Not only am I security, gardener, cleaner, and entertainer. I am now babysitter. I need a raise.

Stand off

Or lie off, as the case may be. Don't take my chewie, baby!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


You said summer was coming. So why is it snowing? Go build me a fire, woman!

Friday, August 3, 2012

How embarrassing!

Mom was crafting a Saints tutu (really?!?!) for Lulu for the game on Sunday.  Lulu was asleep, so she couldn't try it on.  She MADE me wear it!

I do look cute, though.

Some Boney Loves me!

That bone is bigger than me - I'm not sure I can handle that!

I will definitely try.

I'm not really sure why you don't want me to bring this in the house.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If you can't say anything nice

Come sit by me.

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Kissy kissy

I probably shouldn't be kissing on this baby given the number of dead birds I've eaten this week.  But, I cannot resist a kiss, nor will I tell where my cache of birds is hidden!

Wanna snuggle, little bear?

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It's cold.

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I'll share the snake

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You owe me, though.

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This might work out

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Keep petting.

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I'm still bigger

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And I guess you're kind of cute.

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When I poop inside, I get kicked out. When she poops, they coo and change her!

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I'm not jealous

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It's just I'm not allowed to play with her toys, so why should she get to play with mine?

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Tummy time

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I've really been doing my homework on how to meet developmental milestones.

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First bath

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Not mine, silly! But I guess our folks did a passable job. I had to keep her from drowning only twice.

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People used to come visit me

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But now they giggle over this thing that doesn't do much.

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Guess who's a big sister?

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And I couldn't find the work any more exhausting!

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